本會秘書長黃奎博接待美國喬治亞理工學院駐台代表Sheldon Chan和該校國際事務學院Dalton Lin助理教授。雙方就喬治亞理工學院與台灣非政府組織合作辦理活動進行切磋,有望進一步促進雙方的戶動,尤其在台灣對外關係之相關議題互相交流。
AFR Secretary-General Kwei-bo Huang met with Georgia Tech's Sheldon Chan, managing director of Development at the Asia Pacific Education Foundation, and Dalton Lin, assistant professor of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs. The group discussed potential collaboration between the school and with NGOs in Taiwan, aiming to promote exchange particularly among topics related to Taiwan's foreign relations.