令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
Images 1 of 4
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
Images 2 of 4
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
Images 3 of 4
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
令狐副市長榮達 著
作者為 #外交部 退休大使 , 前政務次長, 現任台中市副市長
我是民國70年外交特考及格, 外交領事人員講習所第15期受訓, 71年結訓後分發禮賓司辦事, 隨即派往英國語訓, 72年回部分發北美司工作, 那時北美司司長蔣孝嚴非常年輕才40歲左右, 而無獨有偶當時中南美司司長歐鴻鍊也才40出頭; 一般來說在外交部科長平均年齡是40歲左右, 因此我跟大多年輕剛進部的同仁一樣對這兩位外交界明星都抱著仰慕而又帶點好奇的心態。 北美司跟中南美司的業務交集不多, 但有一回我接待的美國外賓要求拜會歐司長洽談美國在中美洲的政策希望我國配合之處, 我陪見, 第一次有機會近距離觀察歐司長以沉穩不卑不亢的態度及流利的英語應對。
一直到民國86年到90年間我任駐洛杉磯辦事處副處長時, 才有較多機會因為接待歐次長過境而有所接觸。 歐次長因為公務需要經常前往中南美洲及加勒比海地區護盤鞏固邦誼或開拓外交關係, 洛杉磯由於班機多是最方便的轉機點, 歐次長經常風塵僕僕經過洛杉磯去出緊急或秘密任務, 令我們感佩他的不辭辛勞勇於任事, 而且他待人接物總是親切開朗幽默! 我在洛杉磯也經歷了他原計畫從一趟任務回程經邁阿密到洛杉磯再轉機回國, 卻因長期過勞, 搭乘飛機越洋屢經不同時區的調節不適仍需打起精神應對雙邊或多邊的要務非常傷害身體健康, 那回歐次長在邁阿密因為疲倦就醫而發現是猛爆性肝炎, 歐次長在邁阿密休息了兩三天就選擇先到洛杉磯看病養病, 歐次長在洛杉磯有親戚, 歐夫人也飛來洛杉磯照料, 洛杉磯辦事處也協助一些看診行政事宜, 歐次長後來所幸痊癒回台, 猛爆性肝炎倘若沒及時處理診治有致命風險, 而後遺症是未來有致癌之可能,歐次長當年因公勞頓奮不顧身導致重疾, 令外交部內外同仁均萬分感佩!
民國97年我在馬紹爾群島擔任大使, 歐部長當時回鍋在瓜地馬拉擔任大使, 3月中旬中華民國海軍遠航訓練敦睦艦隊在馬紹爾訪問三天, 經我大使館之安排, 艦隊官兵受到駐在國官民之熱烈歡迎, 成功圓滿, 在我國內總統大選前離開馬國啟航橫越太平洋前往瓜地馬拉訪問, 我深知以歐大使之經驗豐富與瓜國關係良好密切, 必定也會成功圓滿地接待敦睦艦隊, 而奇妙的是艦隊離開馬國沒幾天, 大選結果是馬英九先生當選總統, 照行程來看, 艦隊返抵國門前, 520馬總統就職, 國內將完成政黨輪替, 據悉就在歐大使在瓜國忙著接待敦睦艦隊時,就接到馬團隊的電話告以將請歐大使擔任外交部長, 有敦睦艦隊遠航這個連結, 我在馬紹爾也覺得與有榮焉! 當然大家知道隨後歐部長就任, 非常有膽識地提出”兩岸外交休兵”的概念及推動”活路外交”的指導原則.
民國98年4月底5月初, 歐部長奉命以特使身分偕同夫人來馬紹爾出席馬國國慶活動, 我們安排歐部長伉儷拜會總統、議長、外長,視察大使館及技術團,出席馬國國慶活動等,歐部長伉儷的親和力感染了馬國各界友人。尤其在國慶晚宴上,歐部長應某女性貴賓邀請共舞, 歐部長靈活流暢的舞技、 輕鬆大方入境隨俗的態度及親切自然的親和力讓所有在場的貴賓們印象深刻,也令我佩服難忘!那次歐部長的造訪,他找機會跟我說已規劃我適時調部接任北美司司長的職務,此事已徵詢重要人士意見,一致認我是最適當的人選,此案並獲得高層同意;我當時在馬國擔任大使已經超過兩年, 兩國邦交穩固, 且我與馬國朝野各界均建立緊密良好關係,加上之前在奧克蘭處長任職約兩年半, 此次外派加起來已過四年半,所以如能受到長官器重有機會回部擔任一級主管確實是值得高興的,但是以我曾經擔任北美司副司長三年半的經驗,深知北美司司長這個位置相當辛苦吃重,台美關係乃重中之重受各方矚目壓力很大,記得那時我回復歐部長, 感謝他的肯定及提攜, 但是怕我自己能力不夠,請問部長可否派個輕鬆一點的工作;歐部長問我幾歲了, 我說五十五了,歐部長說:「我都快七十了還在打拼, 你還早呢, 輕鬆的工作輪不到你!幾個月之後歐部長因為八八風災展現政務官的風骨辭職退休。我在馬紹爾一直到民國99年9月才回部擔任北美司司長之職務,但是對於歐部長我一直感懷他的知遇之恩!
歐部長自外交部退休後其實是退而不休, 繼續擔任對外關係協會會長,中美經濟合作策進會理事長等職務。針對重要的外交議題常看到歐部長非常有正義感有份量的言論,令我輩敬佩不已。我於民國105年政黨輪替時自外交部退休,之後也常接到歐部長電話邀約餐敘或高爾夫球敘,或經常在外交老兵隊球賽活動中見到歐部長,他對老同事們總是笑容滿面談笑風生,人緣好受歡迎,大夥樂於親近。民國107年底盧秀燕立委當選台中市長後邀請我到台中擔任副市長,台中市政府有國際事務委員會,盧市長很重視推動國際化及國際交流自兼主任委員,任命我為副主任委員並請我推薦幾位委員人選,我立即想到歐部長、楊進添部長及夏立言主委幾位很有聲望的老長官並且親自打電話拜託,原本擔心他們曾經滄海難為水,結果卻十分順利,一來他們都非常支持盧市長,再則要感謝他們對我從外交系統轉換跑道效力台中市政府所表達的支持!歐部長均親自來出席國際事務委員會的會議並不吝給予指導建言,盧市長重視年輕學子的國際視野及國際教育特指示在民國109年底辦理「模擬聯合國活動,我們特別邀請歐部長擔任開幕典禮專題演講的貴賓,歐部長欣然答應來跟學員分享,憶起開幕當天早上歐部長提前抵達,我在貴賓室接待他並且全程聽他演講細訴我國參與聯合國的種種,深深體會到一位百戰沙場外交前輩面對年輕學子的用心及期盼。不記得那次以後有沒有再跟歐部長見面,在歐部長肝病復發前往高雄接受名醫手術後我曾致電問候,欣喜他手術成功恢復良好,而後透過外交老兵球隊Line群組球隊活動名單看到歐部長又重回球場揮灑,然而令人意外且萬分不捨的是歐部長卻因舊疾復發在110年的秋天病故,他長年為艱難外交工作奮鬥不懈的精神及幽默爽朗親切的笑貌會永遠是我們心中的典範!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
【Missing Minister Audrey 】
The Vice Mayor of Fox
Author: Retired Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City
Republic of China May 19, 111
I passed the diplomatic special exam in 70 years of the Republic of Korea. I received the 15th training of the diplomatic consul staff's seminar. After 71 years of training, I distributed concierge services. I was immediately sent to English language training. I returned to the North American department in 72 years. At that time, the director of the North American department, Jiang Xiaoyin, was very young and only about 40 years old, and occasionally the director of the Central and South American department, Ou Ying, was in his early 40s. Generally speaking, the average age of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about 40. So I have an admiration and curiosity about these two stars in the diplomatic community like my The North American Division and the Central and South American Division have little business interaction, but once I received a foreign guest from the United States asked to meet with the Director of the United States to discuss what the US policy in Central America wants our country to cooperate. I accompanied it. For the first time, I had the opportunity to observe the President of the United States with a calm and unass
It wasn’t until I was deputy director of the Los Angeles office from 86 to 90 that I had more opportunities to have contact with the European deputy minister. Deputy Minister of Europe often travels to Central and South America and the Caribbean to strengthen ties or develop diplomatic relations because of official business needs. Los Angeles is the most convenient transfer point. Deputy Minister of Europe often passes through Los Angeles for emergency or secret missions. We admire his tireless efforts and courage to take care of others. He is always friendly and humorous! I also experienced his original plan to return from a mission to Los Angeles via Miami to Los Angeles and then transfer back to China, but due to long-term overwork, he took a plane across the onion and through different time zones and still had to be mentally prepared to deal with bilateral or multilateral priorities. That time, the European Deputy Minister was tired and found out that it was explosive Hepatitis. After taking a break in Miami for two or three days, he chose to go to Los Angeles to see medical care. The European Deputy Minister has relatives in Los Angeles, Mrs. Ou also flew to Los Angeles to take care. The Los Angeles office also assisted with some medical and administrative matters. The Deputy Minister was fortunate enough to return to Taiwan, if he didn't deal with explosive Hepatitis in time.
I was the ambassador in the Marshall Islands in 1997 and the European Minister returned to serve as ambassador in Guatemala. In mid-March, Republic of China The Navy's long-distance training training team visited the Marshall Islands for three days. Through the arrangement of my embassy, the fleet officers and soldiers were warmly welcomed by the officials and citizens stationed in the country. It was successfully completed. In our country President I left Malaysia before the general election and set sail across the Pacific to visit Guatemala. I know that the experience of the European ambassador is very good and close to Guatemala, and I will surely successfully receive the Dunmu fleet. The amazing thing is that the fleet left Malaysia for a few days. The result of the election was Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was elected President Of course, everyone knows that the European ministers took office and boldly put forward the concept of "cross-strait diplomatic truce" and the guiding principles of "living road diplomacy".
At the end of April and early May of the Republic of Korea, the European Minister was ordered to attend the Malaysian National Day activities as a special envoy. We arranged for the European Ministers to visit President the speaker, the foreign minister, the embassy and technical mission, attend the Malaysian National Day activities, etc. The affinity of the European Ministers' Cup infected all walks of life in Malaysia. Especially at the National Day dinner, the European Minister was invited to dance with a female guest. The European Minister's flexible and smooth dance skills, easy and generous attitude and friendly natural affinity impressed all the VIPs present, and made me admire and unforgettable! During the visit of the European Minister, he took the opportunity to tell me that I had planned to take over the position of Director of North America in a timely manner. Important people had been consulted on this matter, and agreed that I was the most suitable person. The case was agreed by the senior level. I had been ambassador in Malaysia for more than two years. The two countries had solid diplomatic relations, and I had established close and good relations with all sectors of the Malaysian government and opposition. Plus, I had served as director in Auckland for about two and a half years. This assignment has been over four and a half years. So it is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to return to the ministry as a first-level director of the ministry, but with my experience as deputy director of North America for three and a half years, I A few months later, European ministers quit and retired due to typhoon 88. I didn't return to the position of Director of North America in Marshall until September 1999 but I always felt his appreciation for the European Minister!
European ministers have actually retired from the Foreign Ministry, and have continued to serve as president of the Association for Foreign Relations and chairman of the China-US Economic Cooperation Policy Council. I am greatly admired by European ministers who are very righteous and powerful on important diplomatic issues. I retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the 105th political party rotation in the Republic of Korea. After that, I also often received phone calls from European ministers for dinner or golf, or I often met European ministers at diplomatic veterans' football games. He always smiles and laughs to his old colleagues. He is very popular, everyone is happy to be close. At the end of the 107th of the Republic of China, Lu Xiu-yan invited me to serve as the deputy mayor of Taichung. The Taichung municipal government has an international affairs committee. Mayor Lu attached great importance to promoting internationalization and international exchanges. He appointed me as the deputy director and asked me to recommend several members. I immediately thought of European Minister, Minister Jiang Jintian and Chairman Xia Liyan, and several very prestigious senior officials who called in person. Originally worried that they had used the shipwreck for water, the result was very smooth. Once they all supported Mayor Lu, I would like to thank them for their support in my transition from the diplomatic system to the Taichung Municipal Government! European ministers all attended the meeting of the International Affairs Committee in person and did not give guidance and advice. Mayor Lu attached great importance to the international vision of young students and special instructions on international education to hold a "Model United Nations event" at the end of 109th century in the Republic of Korea. We specially invited the European Minister to be the guest of honor at the opening ceremony. The European Minister happily agreed to share with the students. I remembered that the European Minister arrived early on the morning of the opening day. I received him in the lounge and listened to him throughout the speech to explain the various aspects of our country's participation in the United Nations. I deeply appreciated the heart and expectations of a senior in the war field I don't remember seeing the European Minister again after that time. After the European Minister's liver disease returned to Kaohsiung to undergo surgery by a famous doctor, I called greetings. I was glad that he recovered well from the surgery. Then through the diplomatic veteran team Line team activities list, I saw the European Minister return to the field again. However, it was surprising and unrelenting that the European Minister died in the fall of 110 due to the old illness. His tireless spirit of hard diplomatic work and his humor and friendly smile will always be a model in our hearts!
#令狐榮達副市長 #外交部 #歐鴻鍊部長
#對外關係協會 #創會會長 #魔法部 #mofa
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