「硬「硬磚五方(國)」出考題 拜登腹背受敵
⭐️黃奎博 /對外關係協會秘書長
在俄羅斯(Russia)、白俄羅斯(Belarus)、中國大陸(China, P.R.)之外,美國也面臨了伊朗(Iran)核協議存續,以及北韓(Korea, D.P.R.)積極試射導彈等挑戰。這五方各自的英文字首正好可拼成「BRICK」(磚),或稱「硬磚五方(國)」。
"Hardy Five-Party (National)" out the exam question Biden was hit by the enemy
⭐Hang Kuibo / Secretary General of the Foreign Relations Association
Beyond Russia, Belarus, and China, P.R., the United States faces challenges such as the survival of the Iran nuclear deal and the aggressive missile test by North Korea, D.P.R. Each of these five parties' English initials can be spelled "BRICK" ( 磚), or "hard five parties (country)".
After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan last year, the gradual "end of combat missions" and the withdrawal from Iraq, and the current Russian-Ukraine crisis to help Ukraine defend itself without military intervention, America's commitment to its allies is often questioned by commentators and anti-American forces, not to mention the "hard five" counterbalance or challenge against the United States, and the Biden administration has been exposed.
In the November US mid-term elections (Congress and Governor), the Democratic Party has been looked down, and if the "hard five" continue to give the Biden administration "examined questions", the Democratic Party's election situation will be even less optimistic.
⭐️黃奎博 /對外關係協會秘書長
在俄羅斯(Russia)、白俄羅斯(Belarus)、中國大陸(China, P.R.)之外,美國也面臨了伊朗(Iran)核協議存續,以及北韓(Korea, D.P.R.)積極試射導彈等挑戰。這五方各自的英文字首正好可拼成「BRICK」(磚),或稱「硬磚五方(國)」。
"Hardy Five-Party (National)" out the exam question Biden was hit by the enemy
⭐Hang Kuibo / Secretary General of the Foreign Relations Association
Beyond Russia, Belarus, and China, P.R., the United States faces challenges such as the survival of the Iran nuclear deal and the aggressive missile test by North Korea, D.P.R. Each of these five parties' English initials can be spelled "BRICK" ( 磚), or "hard five parties (country)".
After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan last year, the gradual "end of combat missions" and the withdrawal from Iraq, and the current Russian-Ukraine crisis to help Ukraine defend itself without military intervention, America's commitment to its allies is often questioned by commentators and anti-American forces, not to mention the "hard five" counterbalance or challenge against the United States, and the Biden administration has been exposed.
In the November US mid-term elections (Congress and Governor), the Democratic Party has been looked down, and if the "hard five" continue to give the Biden administration "examined questions", the Democratic Party's election situation will be even less optimistic.
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