1980年3月行政院長孫運璿拜訪南非,當時訪問非常成功,也促進了雙方各種交流。後來,南非總理也訪問了台灣,雙方的合作非常密切。 到了1984年的時候,南非國會通過了法律,提升了南非華人的地位。究竟當時候是甚麼樣的背景促成此舉?而台灣人為何也紛紛前往南非等非洲國家打拼呢?
Republic of China Republic of China During the diplomatic relationship with South Africa 】Executive President Sun Yun-chuan visits South Africa |Chinese South Africans get the right to voteAmbassador Hu Weizhen (former secretary general of the National Security Council, representative in Germany/star)In March 1980 Executive Yuan Sun visited South Africa. The visit was very successful and facilitated various exchanges between the two sides. Later, the Prime Minister of South Africa also visited Taiwan, and the cooperation between the two sides is very close By 1984 the South African Parliament passed laws that promoted the status of Chinese South Africans. What kind of background did this happen at the time? And why are Taiwanese going to South Africa and other African countries to work hard?