【中國大陸與美國在南海的權力轉移/ Beijing-Washington Power Shift in the South China Sea】
瑞典國際事務研究院(Swedish Institute of International Affairs)資深研究員Mikael Weissmann於美國約翰霍普金斯大學《Asian Perspectives》第43卷第2期發表研究論文 “Understanding Power (Shift) in East Asia: The Sino-US Narrative Battle about Leadership in the South China Sea”,提及該文為本會秘書長、政治大學外交系黃奎博教授與其共同合作主持的研究計畫「中國大陸與美國在南海的權力轉移( Beijing-Washington Power Shift in the South China Sea)下的產物, 以及本會前實習生趙子萱(Sophie Chao)協助提供該文數據分析。
作者提供之文章摘要:"In this article I study the competing US and Chinese narratives about the South China Sea. Arguing that the practice of calculating power shifts in terms of the changing distribution of material capabilities is inadequate, I complement existing literature by taking ideational and normative dimensions of power into account. I ask what the alternative Chinese narrative of power and leadership in the South China Sea looks like and how it is perceived by others in comparison with the dominant US narrative. While a "hard" power transition is ongoing, China's preferred narrative has yet to become widely accepted and the US narrative will remain dominant for now. Nevertheless, China has been making progress in shifting the narrative of what the future could look like with China's vision for a post-US regional and global order now seen as a possible alternative."