法國33年巧克力公司Maison Chaudun與70年老字號的明星咖啡館合作,邀請本會理事、前駐法代表呂慶龍大使品嘗跨海來台的手藝。
呂大使談及Maison Chaudun在巴黎的店,「剛好就在我們駐法代表處同一條街——大學街的路上(149 rue de l’Université),每年耶誕節都會買她的巧克力送朋友。」
Maison Chaudun, a French 33-year-old chocolate company, cooperates with the 70-year-old Star Cafe, inviting our council member and former representative in France, Ambassador Yang Qinglong to taste the craft of cross-sea travel to Taiwan.
Ambassador Yao said of Maison Chaudun's shop in Paris, "It happens to be on the same street as our representative office in France, University Street 149 rue de l'Universit é, and every Christmas she buys her chocolate for friends. " The "
呂大使談及Maison Chaudun在巴黎的店,「剛好就在我們駐法代表處同一條街——大學街的路上(149 rue de l’Université),每年耶誕節都會買她的巧克力送朋友。」
Maison Chaudun, a French 33-year-old chocolate company, cooperates with the 70-year-old Star Cafe, inviting our council member and former representative in France, Ambassador Yang Qinglong to taste the craft of cross-sea travel to Taiwan.
Ambassador Yao said of Maison Chaudun's shop in Paris, "It happens to be on the same street as our representative office in France, University Street 149 rue de l'Universit é, and every Christmas she buys her chocolate for friends. " The "
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