[代轉] 台灣服務業聯盟協會自2012年起開辦「服務業者國際參與」培訓課程,此次邀請到本會黃秘書長於本(105)年4月20日13時50分就「區域經貿整合現況」擔任專題講座,課程將著重探討TPP、RCEP等國際經貿整合現狀及其對我國產業的影響與因應,請踴躍報名參加!
[Representation] Taiwan Service Industry Alliance Association has held a training course on "Service Operators International Participation" since 2012. This time, Secretary-General Huang of this Association is invited to give a special lecture on "Regional Economic and Trade Integration" at 13:50 on April 20, 2015. The course will focus on the current status of international economic and trade integration such as TPP, RCEP and their impact and response to our industry. Please sign up!For registration, please see the event website: http://www.afr.org.tw/news_detail.php?lang=tw&id=57