中華大學國際視野與全球探索International vision and Exploration大使英文講座,很榮幸迎來賴維中公使精彩演講Australia and its Asia Policy. 賴公使從diplomatic footptints開始,帶我們認識澳洲與其亞洲政策.
Oz as a Middle Power, Oz Policy: Fear of Abandonment, Fear of Entrapment, Hedging, The Third Way. 深入淺出的演講,鼓勵同學瞭解外交與國際關係的重要性. 師生收獲滿滿.
CHU along side 對外關係協會【Association of Foreign Relations】 have been collaborating to offer an Ambassador General Education Course; currently on it's 11th consecutive semester, the course has spanned for 6 years and counting. Every Thursday, our distinguished ambassadors deliver their lectures in English which we welcome everyone to attend. Broaden your horizon! Knowledge without boundaries! Traveling without limitations! Welcome to CHU.